Many people believe that tear stains simply come from excessive tearing, or overactive tear ducts. While this may be true to a certain extent, there is certainly more to it than that. Because of any tearing, the surrounding fur around the eyes is a great breeding ground for any bacteria; its humid and damp, two things essential to the development of any kind of bacteria. Basically, the light reflecting on the moisture area and the bacteria itself contributes to the stains; when the light hits this particular area, it turns the fur into this unsightly brown or reddish shade that we call 'dog tear stains'.
Pets Spark has decided to not only provide a solution to remove those stains from the eyes of your beloved four-legged friend, but also to attack the problem at its source; the bacteria. Most products, as aforementioned, will take away the stains to give back your dog its original appearance. The problem is that the stains are free to come back at anytime. By using Pets Spark, you will be assured that the bacteria will no longer have the power to breed, as it is attacked by the active ingredients in the Pets Spark formula.
Pets Spark is available under a powdery form. This powder is to be included in your dog's regular diet to ensure full consumption of the daily dose of Pets Spark. The dose will be gradually augmented until it reaches its peak dosage, then maintained for a certain time and eventually decreased until full removal of the dosage. This will ensure that the active ingredients found in Pets Spark get enough time to attack the bacteria and prevent its reappearance in the future. Pets Spark is available in a few tasty flavours for all taste buds: Beef Liver, Chicken, Vegetarian and Sweet Potato.
If you are looking for a permanent dog tear stains removal solution, look no further. Pets Spark will ensure that not only the existing stains fade away, but that the bacteria causing the coloring of the fur around the eyes of your dog does not have the possibility to breed and live anymore. Your pet will certainly thank you for that and you will be able to parade your beloved dog proudly for years to come!
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