There are a wide variety of retailers for small animals, birds, fish and pet supplies that you can choose from, and you will want to go to a reputable and knowledgeable retailer that can offer you expertise and advice on your new pet. Many areas have local organizations of pet fanciers that can point you in the right direction. Pets in the Classroom knows having a reliable retailer can be beneficial long after you have chosen your classroom pet.
A good pet store should be neat, clean and odor-free; this means that the retailer is thorough and conscientious in caring for the pets it carries. The pets in the store should look healthy and well-cared for; a pet that looks neglected is never a good indicator of quality and care. When picking out a pet, you should look for active animals with clear eyes and good coats or healthy coloring. You should never buy an animal you think is sick or because you feel sorry for it.
A reliable retailer will be staffed with well-informed and helpful people. There should be friendly and knowledgeable sales associates to help you make the best choice for your classroom, and answer questions you may have on caring for your new pet. But you need more than just the pet! Your classroom pet will need an appropriate home, food, and maybe even toys to play with. There should be a good selection of food and supplies in the store for the pet you are interested in.
Retail pet professionals should be honest in answering your questions about your classroom pet's needs, instead of trying to sell you things you don't need or that are inappropriate for the animal. They may recommend equipment or supplies that will be better for your pet, based on their knowledge of the latest products available. Keeping your classroom pet healthy after your purchase is a priority. A good retailer should be able to recommend a local veterinarian who treats small animals, reptiles or birds, and will also recommend books that pertain to your pet for other questions you may have.
You'll want to find a pet supply store that will be a good resource for you throughout the life of your classroom pet. Questions may arise after you've had the pet for a while, and you do not want to be left without a way to answer your questions. Even as the pet grows and matures, you'll want to have a professional who can help you meet your classroom pet's needs along the way.
Pets in the Classroom is a great resource for teachers considering a classroom pet. Not only can you apply for a grant to pay for your classroom pet and pet supplies, you'll find great tips and suggestions on various types of pets that will enhance your classroom and stimulate your students. Caring for pets in the classroom is one way of improving school attendance and teaching children about responsibility; they provide opportunities for learning and help build a child's self esteem.
Pets in the Classroom is an educational grants program designed to help teachers (K-6th), in Canada and U.S.A. who would like a classroom pet, or to assist those who presently have animals, in obtaining supplies needed to care for their pet. The program offers grants of up to $150.00 for the purchase (or adoption) of small animals such as fish, hamsters, birds, and supplies. Kids benefit from exposure to pets in the classroom in ways that help to shape their lives for years to come. Their goal is to establish healthy child-pet relationships at an early age by supporting responsible pet care in grammar and middle school classrooms across the country. Apply for your grant today.
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